Several years ago I reported to the police that I had been sexually assaulted by a drug user covered in dozens of black scabs emanating from botched injections, a man who should never have been supplied by anyone with any drugs whatsoever. I was met at the hospital by the police and I gave them the names of the men whom the assailant had given me as allegedly having requested the assault. A Detective Sergeant whom I know at Antrim Police approved a warning message that was then put out on Grindr, warning gay men in the greater Antrim area to be wary of a man using drugs to incapacitate victims before assaulting them. No name was given at that time, but Antrim Police and I agreed that it would be a good thing to try to protect others.
A short time later I was sitting beside an acquaintance in Dungannon. He received a call from a drug dealer who had been raided, asking could I hear what he was saying. I could, in fact. I was only 6 inches away, but the host pretended I could not. The dealer proceeded to tell the host with great excitation that I was “a thief. Get him out of the house! He’ll steal the eye out of your head!” We thus parted ways, with the host suddenly and understandably suspicious. Next day I confronted the dealer. I asked him why he had phoned and made up lies about me. He replied that he did it because he had been raided, which was the first time I knew of that matter. I told him I did not know that he had been raided, and that is the truth. I demanded an apology which I obtained and the host in Dungannon confirmed the dealer had indeed retracted this nonsense. His excuse was he “had got the wrong person”, as it appears he did not have the backbone to admit he had simply lied.
I was also told by a close friend that in around 3 years’ time I would become subject to a vendetta. There would be a delay so that I would not be able to put 2 and 2 together and identify who the orchestrators were. I was told they would remove their profiles, so I made sure to obtain copies of any suspected profiles right away. Sure enough, certain profiles disappeared. The vendetta would involve sexual assault, including attempts to tear my insides and the administration of contaminated needles to pass on Hepatitis C, syphilis, HIV, IBSA (image based sexual abuse) in the form of both streaming, and mass release of material on international sites, civil challenges, and criminal prosecutions resulting in jail. This vendetta would apparently call upon the united energies of a network of drug users many of the ones I have met having profiles on the Nastykinkpigs (NKPS) website. These future hosts I was told would have the guidance of a crooked solicitor who advises on every stage of the operation, including directing what questions to ask and what answers to obtain whilst I was being recorded. Images are shared routinely around the group as are transcripts of conversations held with each host.
I immediately advised this man that I would see this as an opportunity to publish, if any of his projections should come to pass. I began to think about best approaches to future targeting and, as soon as it all kicked off in December 2018, I began to keep meticulous records on various devices with different people.
These are some of my vendetta experiences:
The first predator in the series planted around 10g of crystal amphetamine in my car and seems to have arranged with a corrupt police officer he knew to draw up a charge sheet during the night. I texted him from another room, to create a written record of what he was doing. This resulted in him sprinting out to my car and returning with an envelope stuffed full of crystal amphetamine. A young predator-in-training later went into my phone in order to delete all messages and any backups he could find relating to that host.
A man in Sunbury planted a grey lego brick inside me, to cause torsion of the intestine, necrosis and death. I knew by certain means and advised him to remove it which he did.
A man in Lewisham tried to ram a screwdriver inside me but failed because I had noticed and photographed the screwdriver being set out by the host. The assailant made a lunge as expected, and I moved out of the way. He tried to hide the screwdriver below his left knee but realised he had been made. He apologised on the spot and even wrote to apologise again the next morning.
A sex predator in Wisbech injected me with ketamine without consent and inserted a glass bottle. This event was streamed to around 8 viewers using a surveillance camera mounted on a ceiling rose. The fact that the lampshade had been removed and the camera’s tiny LEDs gave the game away. That and the fact that I felt the hard bottle pressing upwards through the skin of my stomach.
The same man removed a small piece of tissue from inside me under anaesthetic and placed it in a small bandage on a corner shelf. A later set of texts from another individual who disapproved confirmed that as part of a satanic ritual, this excised tissue would be eaten.
6 attempts to fall into me with a locked arm
And all of the above activities, which is but a small selection, were streamed to viewers, some of whose names I managed to capture.
I ran with this for a couple of years, building up a good picture of Image Based Sexual Abuse and gay sex predation, before starting to publish.
Having known in advance about the vendetta, I have been in contact with MLAs and various Editors for some time. When I published firstly in PinkNews, the UK-based national newspaper for LGBTQ issues, that was my cut-off date for tolerating abusive hosts. In PinkNews, I made it plain enough that if there were further abusive meets, I would start to write about them. So, following an abusive meet in Waringsford, Co. Down, I was in communication with PSNI and various editors and published two more articles the following week, one in Antrim Guardian and another in Sunday World.
I have not had any abusive encounters since the first few publications appeared, and many more publications are yet to come. A book is due out soon, with a foreword kindly contributed by a well-known public figure.
For David Canham’s readers, I would like to underscore the importance of perception in determining personal reactions to what has happened to them. In “How to stop worrying and start living,” Dale Carnegie talks of two men:
“Two men looked out from prison bars,
One saw the mud, the other saw stars.”
The vendetta I have experienced has been challenging at times but, because of that challenge and the opportunities presented to grow as a person, it has not been a negative.
I recommend that victims be open to adopting other perspectives, that they accept any IBSA as a personal challenge and then work through it, exposing those involved in the press.
Expose those who have attempted to expose you but use your inner resourcefulness to find ways that are not illegal, as theirs have been. I have come up with several ways to expose sex predators legally. There is no reason to feel destroyed and in fact one can learn to feel much stronger through applying oneself to the issue. I have learnt a great deal about myself and have personally come to understand that not meeting the challenge is actually a much larger issue than the challenge itself.