Today was an amazing day, today was the day that I met Folami Prehaye - founder of VOIC. I found the VOIC website 3 years ago, following my own image based abuse crime. It took me those 3 years to reach out to her and say, let me get involved....I want to help other victims find the help and support that they need. I want to make sure that victims feel that they are not alone in their experience and that they should not be afraid.
I would like for them to know that their lives still have meaning and purpose, and that it's possible to survive what has happened, rebuild and grow.
I'm so happy to be part of Folami's group of 'voices' and to have an opportunity to help change the shape of the future, and make a digital playground that is safe for everyone. I'll continue to post items to my FB page, but VOIC is where you really need to be. Also follow @voic_tweets.