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David Canham

Every Tony, Dick, Igor and Jake

Some might find the title of this blog a bit odd, but I assure you that it’s merely a play on the saying ‘Every, Tom, Dick and Harry’. It’s an informal English expression meaning ‘any person’ or ‘anyone’. I just wanted to be a bit more…erm playful with the expression. For those of you that are unfamiliar Dick is an abbreviation for the name Richard. It often makes me laugh in a “Hey Dick” capacity. Although I’ve seldom met too many Richards who are utter dicks. Mind you having said that, at least one comes to mind. As for Igor, well I have a secret love for classic horror, with its over dramatic campery. Igor was of course Frankenstein’s henchman, a fiendish character portrayed by Bela Lugosi in the 1939 classic ‘Son of Frankenstein’. It seemed unfair to use the name Tom, as I’ve never met a bad Tom yet. Tony however, well that’s a different story. In fact that name has featured twice in my life, both (shall we say) on unpleasant occasions.

Earlier this year I published a new blog piece, to this website, after a gap of exactly 12 months. I needed to write about my life, as it was in 2021. After writing it ‘out of my system’ I thought I was done with it, and everything that it discussed, but it seems that those words weren’t sufficient and the detail far too edited, to do any justice to the actual truth.

You all know that my Image Abuse attack of 2016 is well documented, both on this website and others, namely ‘Victims of Image Crime’ operated by Folami Prehaye, who helped me to move forward from that life altering moment. Whilst most of this new writing will be discussing the events (as I saw them in 2021), I’ll occasionally reference, in more detail, the 2016 attack. It’s no longer under Police investigation, which gives me the freedom to do so.

For anyone who has been the target of such a malicious attack the end game, by those who have acted as the persecutor, is to effectively destroy that person’s life and any sense of self confidence. Which in turn makes them afraid to live their life to the fullest potential, leaving them practically invisible to the world. The same can be said for any form of abuse or hatred, even in a racial sense. Absolutely NO ONE has the right to decide what you can and cannot do, or for that matter where you can and cannot go. I was reminded of this, quite recently, following a spineless incident that happened to someone that I know. Whilst I think, in all honesty, the other person shrugged that incident off…it seemed to have a bigger impact on me. In fact, it bothered me hugely.

It should come as no surprise (what you mean you really didn’t know?), that as a gay guy, I’m really into the fetish side of things and when done safely (i.e., drug free) is really good fun and expressive. I really don't care whether that’s a big deal for you or not, if you have an issue with that, then it’s your problem, not mine.

I was also very recently reminded about the gay social media uproar when transman Jack Thompson won IML (International Mr Leather) in Chicago in 2019…what a sexy guy btw! There was a lot of online discussion about whether Jack should have been ‘allowed to take part’. Are you seriously shitting me? Come on guys, get over yourselves! There’s no room for exclusion, and you have no right to choose who can and cannot be considered a ‘man’. It’s about being comfortable as who YOU are, and not what others expect you to be. These are basic principles that we should ALL understand. Or as someone put it to me, marginalised people shouldn’t marginalize themselves #facts #onpoint

Folami, gave me my first opportunity to write about being a gay male victim of non-consensual Image Abuse (Revenge Porn). I chose to do it for several reasons, I hoped that it would help other male victims to step forward to either report any similar abuse, or simply to ask for help. However, from a personal point of view, I found that certain circles of the gay community, were using what they perceived as a 'chink my armour' for their own personal gain. Consequently, I wanted it act as a warning to those involved that I am (and always will be) ready to repeat that story and discuss any further new online attacks, that are designed to undermine my personal empowerment or to purposefully drag my name through the digital mud. This also includes any stalking activities designed to reveal my whereabouts, to those who (for whatever dull and pathetic reason) seem to have a wish or desire to know!

#techabuse or to use a better descriptor, revenge through the misuse of technology, is a dangerous game to play. Firstly, it assumes that the individual that it’s aimed at, is the same ‘damaged’ person that he/she used to be and will scuttle off into a corner when attacked – WRONG!

Which part of my 2 years as an active advocate for #ImageBasedSexualAbuse #IBSA #onlineabuse #techabuse #digitaldatingabuse did you not understand? Here’s ‘the thing’ your acts of the past, have turned me into the man that I am today, and I’m a hell of a lot stronger than you might think. I guess it’s possible that some might think that, after spending a few years at my side, they magically know everything about me. But there’s a deeper part that goes way beyond the fabric of my being, that keeps me going through thick and thin. I can’t explain why, and neither would I want to, but I’m fucking glad that it’s there right now.

Oh, incidentally the language that I will be using, going forward, will be harsher and stronger than before and is representative of a new David going forward #keepingitreal #sorrynotsorry

Finding yourself in a position where you’re regurgitating the past, and a past that you would rather move the fuck on from, is an extremely unenviable thing to have to do. But it would seem (as a friend and advocate for Image Abuse put it) that a group of people have taken it upon themselves to ‘test me’ and to ‘play with me’, and the only way that I can deal with that, is through the publication of my 2021 story.(note to any journalists reading this, please don't ask me if you can do an article....I'm not interested. But I do get approached every now and then)

I take absolutely no joy in having to do this, and I’ve consulted with a few people now, before embarking on this new writing project (of which two chapters have already been completed), but it’s something that must be done. As before, I’m snatching my power back from those that thought that it was a good idea to play with me AGAIN (and not just in the sexual sense). Perhaps some of those people were misguided, perhaps some willingly so, perhaps some ‘jumped on the band waggon’ to attack me on the premise that I had hurt them in some way or someone that they knew. But as I mentioned earlier, this is a dangerous game to play especially if the facts are not true or correct. So, as it was back in 2016, I now need to provide some online balance.

I should mention that I tweeted a warning shot ‘across the bows’ on my IBSA Twitter account a month or so ago. I had hoped that this warning would indicate (to certain parties) that I was fully prepared to take matters further, if necessary. It didn’t have the desired effect, so here we are.

So how does the first chapter start?

It starts with an article that I wrote specifically for the VOIC website on the 20th July 2020, it’s an article about ‘trust’. The original piece can be seen, in its entirety, here, but for the purpose of this first chapter, I’ve extracted two important paragraphs. All stories have a beginning, a middle and an end…and by the time we reach that end, we’ll find ourselves back to this beginning. Yeah, cryptic I know, but then I excel at cryptic! There are NO memories that I cherish from 2021, absolutely fucking nothing. There were one or two, but they appear to have become hugely devalued. A few lessons were learnt:-

1) Never mistake gossip for concern, it’s just gossip

2) Never mistake concern, for actual concern. It’s merely used as a mechanism to extract information about your life and what’s going on, with the intention of hurting you further.

Quotation begins

“4 years ago, I honestly thought that I would never be able to find any sense of physical intimacy again. I thought that had been stolen from me, along with other parts of my life, as a result of my experience. Today I find myself 1 year into a new and loving relationship.

Which is why the subject of ‘trust’ entered my mind. Every now and then life rewards you with someone who patiently helps you work through the damaged parts of your soul. You expose them to your tears; you tell them repetitively that this is “not the person that you used to be” and how much you wish you could automatically trust once again, without issue. The most loving person of all is the one who becomes your lover, your little rock and the person that helps you to find the better aspects of your character that, once upon a time, you thought might be lost forever.”

Quotation ends

A person’s trust can be betrayed by anyone, as my past experiences have demonstrated. Lovers, ex-lovers, family, friends, neighbours, perhaps even your Cat or Dog (who’s to say) or people you’ve arranged to have a fuck with on phone apps (Scruff, Grindr, whatever)

The hardest part about writing this, has been the acceptance (finally) of my reality. Rather than the far more acceptable ‘modified’ version of my life, where everything is the same as it was….prior to what went before. It’s a version of my life where I’ve tried to convince myself that things aren’t what they seem, even though my mind and heart says otherwise. There are very few secrets (that still remain intact) about David Canham's life, so consequently I stopped trying to protect my secrets a long time ago. I'd dearly love to meet people that don't already know a whole bunch of shit about my life, especially in the friendship/relationship sense. I mean everyone else gets to have that luxury don't they? I vaguely remember what that was like, it's not something that I feel that I have anymore. It was taken away from me.

My life is what it is, it was exposed well beyond recognition and the fact that I’m still here today is all because of that immense gift that the universe bestowed upon me at birth…a little light that shines within my soul that refuses to be extinguished or tampered with by those who wish me harm.

A few years back, a friend who knew exactly what had happened to me, but wasn’t quite sure how to reach out and provide support, told me four things: -

1) “The world only knows what others have told them, and it’s always biased in their favour. Perhaps the way to use your negative experience is to tell it from your point of view, and in turn it might help other people”

2) “What has happened to you is awful beyond belief. You have a group of people who are using information/details about your life, to gain the upper hand and damage you further. But what they fear is that you know something about them in return and that’s something that they don’t want the world to know. It's classic bullying David”

3) “You don’t know it yet, but you have the ability to change a great many things. Always try to remember this”

4) “You’re a good and decent man, and no matter what happens, try to remember this also. It’s important”

To paraphrase the conversation that followed, it was essentially that David should find an intelligent way to deal with the problem and at the same time use it to self-heal and recover. And that’s what drives the LGBTQ Image Abuse Survivors website (it represents a small something in my life, that I'm proud of), I created that website as a resource for myself and others, to call out those who cause personal and hurtful damage through the misuse of technology, and with a planned precision that’s quite frankly disturbing. But as a fellow survivor put it, a few days ago, “David your website is also your Ammo to protect your life, and those that you love, when you feel threatened”

Someone once asked me, during an interview on the subject on Image Based Sexual Abuse, what type of person it takes to want to seek revenge on another individual in such an abhorrent way. My answer was, I have no idea, simply because it’s impossible for someone to understand the twisted psychology of another individual, when you’re not of the same mindset. It’s quite literally wasted effort, time and energy.

If they were to ask me the same question again, 2 years after asking me the question for the first time, I would say that perhaps that person had been deeply affected by something from their past. Something so negative that it turned them into the character that they are today, for better or for worse.

Having said that, what happened to me was hugely negative and yet I don’t inflict that pain on others through the abuse of technology…image or otherwise. So perhaps there’s a much deeper level of darkness, that is not understood. Or perhaps it’s just arrogance and narcissism?

In any respect, someone’s past is not an excuse for their abusive use of technology, in an act that wilfully causes pain to another individual.

I’m now well over two months into my new sobriety journey, and I feel great! It’s my hope that, these blogs will help with that journey and finally close the door on a certain group of people that I have no desire, or wish, to ever see (or speak to) again. I know that in some cases that might be difficult, given the fact that the gay world is much smaller than you might think. Even on an international basis.

But here’s what’s going to happen, when I do see those people, my eyes will convey a look that will tell you that I know exactly what you’ve done. Some might feel shame, others no doubt won’t give an actual shit. Some might not give an actual shit right now in their lives, but one day develop the capacity to reflect on their actions and wish that they had done things very differently. But whether now or later, the damage has been done and you will never be forgiven.

I imagine that your actions have provided you with all manner of entertainment, but I suspect that you will feel very differently when the tables are turned. Note that whilst legally speaking I cannot reveal names, I will be using random letters of the alphabet to represent those involved and to make the story more coherent. I don’t need the world to identify you, it’s sufficient for you to identify yourselves. I suppose I could use your real names, and then you might sue me....but wait that comes with a lot of publicity doesn't it? And besides I can always discuss your names privately, with those who come and go from my life. I have no reason to protect you, as my ex partner would say "what's in it for me?"

My life as a gay man spans several decades, some of those decades have been really happy, but during the mid-noughties they include a dangerous affair with a fetish club owner in South London, let’s call him ‘Y'. This person extorted me for the sum of £708 for a flight to Cape Town (with him) that was never taken or even booked. His threat was that he was going to reveal my addiction problems with Crystal Meth to my family. What a fucking evil thing to do! I submitted to this extortion, even though I had enough evidence to prove otherwise. I still have that evidence today, so I guess that even back in 2008, I thought it might come in handy one day.

It’s claimed (on the acidic gay grapevine) that ‘Y’ also blamed me for his failure to keep his own addiction issues (back in 2008) under control, which as any addict will tell you, is merely a cover excuse for them to use again. Been there, done that, know all the tricks (and I'm in NO FUCKING way proud to admit that)

Then there was my ex-partner, of 8 years, let’s call him ‘N’, who used those same addiction problems as an excuse to fuck around with other people (in a very indiscreet way), and complete 2 porn shoots, all without my knowledge. To be clear I also had to deal with 4 of his overdoses on GHB, all of which required hospitalisation. At his insistence I kept all of those incidents from his family, which as a loving partner, I agreed to do. Thinking back on all of this, and in particular arriving back home after a 12 hour shift, to find him in a comatose state...naked apart from a pair of rubber chaps, reminded me of the name Tony. Tony was the name of the guy that he had a fuck with, whilst I was at work. I should add that the relationship was a closed one. I found out because obviously upon calling the ambulance, the police also arrived as I had no option but to report suspected drug use. I had to trawl through this mobile phone (no lock, it was 2009 roughly ) to try and piece together what had happened. In retrospect I should have kicked his ass out of the door, after he recovered, but this is where I made a mistake that, 7 years later, would cost me dearly. You see, my thoughtless ex, probably in a hurry to get a cock up his ass, hadn't thought to remove photographs of the pair of memories and such. No doubt this 'Tony character' would have clocked those pictures. I vaguely recall one of my neighbours complaining about a 'motorbike' parked outside the flat, whilst my ex was being carted off on an ambulance stretcher. Isn't it odd how people overlook the plainly obvious drama, to bemoan about a motorbike? It's practically surreal lol. Anyway I guess you can understand why the name Tony stirs up unpleasant memories. Tony would also have visited the previously mentioned fetish club. That was only the 1st time though that I encountered a Tony.

It's an interesting experience watching your ex being fucked in a porn shoot, that you knew nothing about, apart from being 2 of the least hottest pieces of porn I've ever seen, the only thing I remember thinking was "I wonder what I was doing when he did this"?

I went on to discover my ex's porn name twitter account, not long after we split up. An entire secondary life, that he kept utterly secret. He was the absolute king of bullshit. I find it quite revealing that shortly before I made the decision to discuss my Image Abuse attack with Folami, the account was suddenly deleted. Probably unrelated, right ?

Oh and let’s not forget an employee of a well-known UK News Broadcaster, who (unbeknownst to me) was his best friend and who directed one of those two porn shoots!

I know right!! Both people used to visit the aforementioned fetish club and knew the owner. You see where I’m going here don’t you?

I would never have made the connection, had it not been for a chance discovery of one of my ex's bank statements, actually I say discovery, it was an envelope that kind of magically 'opened by itself'. To this day, I don't know what made me do it, but there it was, sitting on the door mat. I should mention that, even after we had separated, my ex and I still had to live together due to the fact that my torrid landlady (she looked a bit like Madam Medusa from Disney's The Rescuers tbh) wouldn't allow an early exit. Those 6 months were fucking awful, and so fucking painful. Anyway I had to return to the flat to perform the final check out routine, with the letting agency, and that's how I discovered the envelope....which I duly opened (naughty David).

Two things struck me, after 8 years of my ex claiming that his wages were quote/unquote 'quite low' I was surprised to discover that his bank balance was, shall we say, quite healthy. But then, towards the bottom, was a payment from a particular porn studio which was authorised by the porn director. I recall thinking "what the fuck is this", I then went to the porn studio website and there it ex's porn shoot! But wait, hang on a second, the directors name wasn't the one on the bank statement. So I Googled the name of the porn director, and discovered that he had an entire website covering all of his own porn accomplishments! Finally I Googled the name on the statement, and there he was!

Had I not opened that envelope, I would never have been able to link everything together. It was almost as if (to use a well known football term) it was "the hand of God". To 'N' I say this, I know EXACTLY where you were on the night of my attack, and I know EXACTLY who you were with. You had the power to stop it from happening, and yet you opted to do nothing!!!

All of those links were the precursor to everything that led up to the events of 2016 and, as it seems, sadly continues to cause problems for me today. But in my heart I know that it all started with that dangerous affair, it was an affair that I exited because in all honesty it was beginning to fucking scare me....and I made that exit on Christmas Eve 2008. The timing was unfortunate, and an enemy was created.

So, what can we expect from these new blogs? Well for starters an unfortunate meeting (in June 2021) with, although I wasn’t aware at the time, the former boyfriend of that very same employee of a well known UK News Broadcaster. Let’s call him ‘D’ who resides in the Portsmouth area. Yeah, I know, you couldn’t make this shit up! It was this particular meeting, that indirectly caused a personal rift between myself and my family, and I promise them (my family) that they will (privately) hear all of the detail regarding 2021 that they deserve to know....names included.

But wait folks, that’s not all! There were 2 other people that arrived in my life, one in August (whilst in a FWB relationship with my most recent ex-partner), let’s call him ‘E' who has no doubt fucked his way through many a fetish man in South London (and way beyond). Ah yes that's the other thing, South London comes up A LOT here....I spent many years of my life living there.

Finally, at the very end of December, we have ‘W’ who thought that I was so wasted that I didn’t clock a number of changes that were made to my laptop, including resetting my Wi-Fi to use a local unsecured source…rather than my own secured Wi-Fi. Oh, and despite my insistence that he “stopped waving his phone around” after I explained why that unsettled me, insensitively continued to do so. I very much suspect him of recording some dialogue, from that hook up, which was then distributed to other people. I tested my theory, in a rather obvious and unsubtle way, by discussing my (then recently removed) ex partner. This 'cock sure' (lol) bloke, suddenly became flustered and desperately tried to navigate the conversation elsewhere....voice raised at a more projected level (practically deafening) and with tonal (nervous) changes. I tend to notice changes in vocal inflections (can't imagine why that might be....can you??). I guess I'm a bit like a male Jessica Fletcher !! (cue music)

My most recent ex-partner (when I first met him and whilst discussing ex's generally), once said, “Holy Fuck David, and you’ve allowed these people into your life?”. My answer was, quite obviously, yes. It takes time for a human being to show their true colours, and when you’re not expecting it, you don’t go looking for those colours. You just see the colours that you fell in love with, or the colours that you previously admired.

And now for the bit, that I was hoping to avoid writing and part of me still wishes that I didn't have to....but I've seen a recent escalation in online provocation toward me and I suspect that this has been fulled by someone that I once loved. There used to be a loving naivety about me, that has been gradually whittled away (over the years) by those that have claimed to have loved me, but essentially just love themselves (despite their claims to the contrary) and must always be the centre of attention, at everyone else's expense.

To my most recent ex-partner, I want to say this. The affair that you accused me of having, whilst we were together, never happened and I defy anyone to present you with evidence to the contrary. When I choose the man that I want to be with, THAT'S the man that I'm with for whatever period of time the universe allows it.

As it’s now plainly obvious to me, that you’ve never forgiven me for this non-event, and instead used it to seek revenge in a very personally damaging way, I retract my apology that I gave to you in May 2021. I was genuinely distressed that it had caused you pain, but in retrospect, knowing what I know now, the apology was utterly pointless.

You had no right to dictate who could be my friend and who couldn’t, and you did not deserve, what amounted to, exclusive access and control of my life. I will NOT be making this same mistake again, with any other man.

I walked away from you at the end of December because it was what you wanted me to do (after all there had been some other man, that you had been dating in reserve), your actions over the Christmas period (and even earlier in the year) were evidence enough of that. I was also concerned that by being in your life, I would hamper your chances of having the dream family that I know you wanted. When you told me that the adoption agency (of your country) had denied you this option, because of my age, I remembered the promise that I made to you…the one where I told you that I would never stand in the way of your life. By the same token, I was concerned that my past addiction issues would also be a problem.

Tell me which part of the above classifies me as a narcissist? (in your game of 'narcissist bingo' what a disgusting thing to post btw) In fact, some would say that it was a deeply loving and thoughtful thing to do.

When you invoke your ‘bros before hoes’ policy, try to remember that none of your ‘bros’ stepped up to the mark to loan you the extra money you needed to buy your first apartment, it was your ‘hoe’. Which is what you referred to me as being, what a loving way to refer to someone that did his best to care for you. You played me right to the bitter end, for a 'revenge' that I didn't deserve. For an event that never happened, but came with an apology (from me) for not acting with expediency to stop your hurt.

When you asked me if I was going to place my 'moving plans' on hold, whilst we worked out if we were/weren't getting back together, and I said yes, did you say thank you? No, you did not. I just remember seeing a rather unsettling self satisfied smirk cross your face. No one really knew what was going on between us, we hadn't announced it to anyone, which I suppose gave you a selfish carte blanche.

I saw much of your hurt in the years that we were together, and I covered some of that hurt in this YouTube blog, towards the end of that blog I mention an act of abuse that damaged you greatly, some years ago. I’m mentioning it here, because things become lost on the internet and it’s pertinent for me to remind others about this post. Others that may have been misguided by incorrect internet trash or might be under the illusion that I'm some terrifically horrible human being, based on conjecture, hearsay or other forms of crap.

How dare you all make snap judgements about who I am, when you have no actual clue about the soul that resides within the body? As I said earlier, the world only believes what they’re told…. until someone tells them otherwise. It's what happens when someone get's trolled online, it's what happens when someone's image is used without their consent. It's what happens when the internet is used as a hammer to bash someone to death. It's what happens when the only laws to protect us, are mostly those created by large conglomerates because the actual law, and those that police it, don't give a shit.

Finally, you (my ex-partner) have helped to amplify, a foolish act on my part, let’s call it ‘Jake Gate’. You have used the one thing that I used to advocate for, to damage my life and you’ve enjoyed every minute. For a man that claims that fetish ‘isn’t his thing’ you sure do have a lot of fetish friends, and this makes me think suspiciously of you. Many of those people (I know) will be aware of those that have been a destructive influence on my life...both last year and in previous years. I suppose you might be outraged (not that I give a shit), and play the 'old git coming after young bloke' card. I've witnessed and seen all of your moves, young man! And you are FAR from being the innocent person that you portray yourself as being. And besides, I am merely putting the record straight. You once told me that you "weren't like all of the other venomous gays" that you claimed that you utterly detested. From where I'm sitting that doesn't appear to be the case, and you are a LONG way away from being the 'adult' that you wish to be.

You have betrayed my trust, in a way that I would never believe. You’re not the victim here, so don’t pretend that you are. I’ve started a new Instagram account, it’s about me (not you) and my interests (fetish included) and it will (one day) eventually cover my advocacy work if and when I ever restart those efforts. Such technology abuse exists a lot in the world of fetish, I'm living proof of that. I’m sure you’ve had ‘others’ examine its content on your behalf (you’re blocked by the way) for reasons which should be utterly obvious.

Let me say, and for the public record, I never want to see or hear from you for the rest of my life. Which once again is exactly what you wanted. But then when you have the ability to stalk someone online, I guess that’s probably quite an easy thing for you to achieve? Even down to when they’ve picked up their phone to check WhatsApp messages for example. I couldn't be happier to finally have you, and your manipulative toxicity, extracted from my life.

To you, and to those that you colluded with, quite possibly some of those I've mentioned here, (trust me I’m astounded by some of the dots here), thank you (meant sarcstically) for taking all of the things that I accomplished and turning them into utter trash. I intend to rebuild those things that you have trashed, including my name and my #IBSA work and those accomplishments will be mine.

To you, and those that were involved in playing with me during 2021, I have a simple message, back off! And if I don’t see an improvement in the status quo, I will publish further chapters, to this website. My life has already been exposed for the last 6 years, so what precisely do you hope to a achieve?

You’ve had your fun, and now it’s my turn. Assuming that these provocations that I’ve been subjected to (since January), don’t stop. I'll wait and see what happens. In the meantime I intend to go where I want, and live my life in the best possible sense.

I deserve someone that won’t spend a year treating me like utter shit, I deserve someone that won’t manipulate or lie to me or play with my heart for their own personal joy and amusement. Perhaps I will never live to achieve these goals, but I am open to the experience, for the right man nevertheless. You could never take that away from me.

In closing, to anyone that might be interested, best to make sure that if you’re going to illicitly use a person’s Apple account details, to remove iCloud backups of messages and such, do make sure that you change the username associated with the Mac device that you’re using. Also, when you’re hacking a WhatsApp account make sure that when the real user eventually recovers control, that the country code is as it was. Any other country code is a bit of an obvious give away tbh.

There are some other areas of account misuse (which is criminal fraudulent use of data), from August to the end of October 2021 that I continue to investigate with Apple. Inclusive of a period of time (early October) where I was staying with my ex-partner (in a should we get back together kind of way). Now what devices did I have with me? Oh yeah, work laptop, iPhone, iPad and erm an Apple Watch. Then the weekend beginning 23rd October there was the ‘South London’ shag (Phone and Apple Watch in tow), who I regret hooking up with, for many reasons. There was too much secret SIM swapping going on, at that address, for my liking. I'm quite observant, I just don't let on! And then on the 25th October, my Apple account hits the fan....quite literally.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it, no obvious pun intended!

I’d quite like to get on with my life, and make sure that the past stays FIRMLY in the past. I feel sure that all of those names that have featured during 2021, and in previous years, will probably feel the same way. Please don't claim that "it's not what you think David", in my experience it's EXACTLY what I think! When I visit a venue, fetish or otherwise, I always try to be courteous and friendly and by and large everyone else is too. Sometimes however, I'm faced with actions that are designed to provoke. Should I continue to receive those actions or be faced with further online provocation, I will consider that this 'blog message' has not been understood, and further chapters will be published. And if I'm lucky enough to have a man standing at my side (guest or otherwise), at one of these venues, I expect the same respect to be afforded to them also. You will receive nothing less from me, in return.

If not, you should be prepared to face a David Canham that is a LOT stronger than you might remember and who is prepared, if necessary, to discuss the past once again. I hope that WON'T be necessary. As for my drug sobriety, I have enough hate for you in my heart (and PLENTY of other motivations) to keep that going for the rest of my life.....I absolutely fucking assure you #sorrynotsorry



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